This table allows you to automate whether databases get a DBCC CheckDB operation, or a DBCC CheckTable operation. These settings only apply to runs of the stored procedure Minion.CheckDBMaster where OpName = ‘Auto’ in Minion.CheckDBSettingsDB (or, for a manual run, where @OpName = ‘Auto’).

The default entry that comes installed with Minion CheckDB sets a threshold by size, at 100 GB. What this means is that by default – when Minion.CheckDBMaster runs with @OpName = ‘Auto’, any database under 100 GB gets a CheckDB operation instead of a CheckTable operation.

Note: As outlined in the “Configuration Settings Hierarchy” section, more specific settings in a table take precedence over less specific settings. So if you insert a database-specific row for DB1 to this table, that row will be used for DB1 (instead of the “MinionDefault” row in this table).

Name Type Description
ID int

Primary key row identifier.

DBName varchar

Database name.

ThresholdMethod varchar

The method by which to measure.


Valid values:


ThresholdType varchar

The threshold type, as it relates to ThresholdMethod.


NULL (this is the same as Data)




ThresholdMeasure Varchar

The measure for our threshold value.


Valid inputs:


ThresholdValue Int

The correlating value to ThresholdMeasure. If ThresholdMeasure is GB, then ThresholdValue is the value – the number of gigabytes.

IsActive bit

Whether the current row is valid (active), and should be used in the Minion CheckDB process.

Comment varchar

For your reference only. You can label each row with a short description and/or purpose.


-- Insert a row for DB1, threshold 50GB
INSERT  INTO Minion.CheckDBSettingsAutoThresholds
        ( [DBName]
        , [ThresholdMethod]
        , [ThresholdType]
        , [ThresholdMeasure]
        , [ThresholdValue]
        , [IsActive]
        , [Comment]
        , 'Size' AS [ThresholdMethod]
        , 'DataAndIndex' AS [ThresholdType]
        , 'GB' AS [ThresholdMeasure]
        , 50 AS [ThresholdValue]
        , 1 AS [IsActive]
        , 'DB1' AS [Comment];