This table stores the path settings for restore scenarios. In other words, here is where you define the paths and file names the system will restore to.

This table comes with a default row, with DBName = ‘MinionDefault’ and Servername = ‘localhost’. This enables you to generate restore statements without any additional configuration, and gives an exmple of restore path configuration.

Note: The only valid restore type in Minion.BackupRestoreSettingsPath is ‘Full’, because only a restore of a full backup requires path information.

For more information, see “How to: Set up Restore Profiles”.
Name Type Description
ID int Primary key row identifier.
DBName varchar Database name.
Valid inputs:
<specific database name>
ServerName varchar The name of the server to restore to.
RestoreType varchar Restore type.
Note that this can only be “Full”, because only a full restore will require a path.
Valid inputs:
FileType Varchar The category of files that this row configures.
FileType can contain either the value “FileName” or the value “FileType”.
  • “FileName” means that the TypeName field (below) is the name of a file (without the extension).
  • “FileType” means that TypeName is mdf, ndf, ldf, or All.
Valid values:
TypeName varchar The name or type of file that this row configures; either a file name, or a file type (as specified in FileType).
Valid values:
<the logical file name>
RestoreDrive varchar The drive to restore to. This is only the drive letter of the restore destination.
IMPORTANT: If this is drive, this must end with colon-slash (for example, ‘M:\’). If this is URL, use the base path (for example, ‘\\server2\’)
RestorePath varchar The path to restore to. This is only the path (for example, ‘SQLBackups\’) of the restore destination.
This field accepts Inline Tokens.
RestoreFileName Varchar The name of the file, without the extension.
RestoreFileExtension Varchar The file extension, with the period. For example: “.mdf”.
NULL and MinionDefault will give the file its original file extension.
This field accepts Inline Tokens.
BackupLocation Varchar The location of the backup file to restore from. E.g., original backup location, copy location, or mirror location.
Backup and Primary mean the same thing; it is the original backup location recorded by Minion Backup.  Mirror, Copy, and Move mean the mirror (or copy or move) location, as recorded by MB.
Valid value:
RestoreDBName Varchar The name to give the newly restored database.
This field accepts Inline Tokens.
ServerLabel Varchar A user-customized label for the server name.  It can be the name of the server, server\instance, or a label for a server. 
This is used for the restore file path. 
Cannot contain an Inline Token.
PathOrder int Not currently in use.
IsActive bit The current row is valid (active), and should be used in the Minion Backup process.
Comment varchar For your reference only. You can label each row with a short description and/or purpose.