This table comes with a default row, with DBName = ‘MinionDefault’ and Servername = ‘localhost’. This enables you to generate restore statements without any additional configuration, and gives an exmple of restore path configuration.
Note: The only valid restore type in Minion.BackupRestoreSettingsPath is ‘Full’, because only a restore of a full backup requires path information.
For more information, see “How to: Set up Restore Profiles”.
Name | Type | Description |
ID | int | Primary key row identifier. |
DBName | varchar | Database name. Valid inputs: <specific database name> MinionDefault |
ServerName | varchar | The name of the server to restore to. |
RestoreType | varchar | Restore type. Note that this can only be “Full”, because only a full restore will require a path. Valid inputs: Full |
FileType | Varchar | The category of files that this row configures. FileType can contain either the value “FileName” or the value “FileType”.
Valid values: FileType FileName |
TypeName | varchar | The name or type of file that this row configures; either a file name, or a file type (as specified in FileType). Valid values: <the logical file name> mdf ndf ldf All |
RestoreDrive | varchar | The drive to restore to. This is only the drive letter of the restore destination. IMPORTANT: If this is drive, this must end with colon-slash (for example, ‘M:\’). If this is URL, use the base path (for example, ‘\\server2\’) |
RestorePath | varchar | The path to restore to. This is only the path (for example, ‘SQLBackups\’) of the restore destination. This field accepts Inline Tokens. |
RestoreFileName | Varchar | The name of the file, without the extension. |
RestoreFileExtension | Varchar | The file extension, with the period. For example: “.mdf”. NULL and MinionDefault will give the file its original file extension. This field accepts Inline Tokens. Examples: NULL MinionDefault .mdf %BackupTypeExtension% |
BackupLocation | Varchar | The location of the backup file to restore from. E.g., original backup location, copy location, or mirror location. Backup and Primary mean the same thing; it is the original backup location recorded by Minion Backup. Mirror, Copy, and Move mean the mirror (or copy or move) location, as recorded by MB. Valid value: Backup Primary Mirror Copy Move |
RestoreDBName | Varchar | The name to give the newly restored database. This field accepts Inline Tokens. |
ServerLabel | Varchar | A user-customized label for the server name. It can be the name of the server, server\instance, or a label for a server. This is used for the restore file path. Cannot contain an Inline Token. |
PathOrder | int | Not currently in use. |
IsActive | bit | The current row is valid (active), and should be used in the Minion Backup process. |
Comment | varchar | For your reference only. You can label each row with a short description and/or purpose. |