Some objects, like the dbo.Servers table, are shared across many (or all) modules.



This table provides the retention period and batch size for data archival routines (i.e., the stored procedure Archive.Drive).

IDbigintPrimary key row identifier.
SchemaNamesysnameSchema name.
TableNamesysnameTable name.
ArchiveDaysintNumber of days to retain configuration data, for this table.
RowsInBatchintThe number of rows to delete per batch.



This table keeps a record of the dbo.Servers table, in case the dbo.Servers table is truncated or otherwise messed up. It is populated by the Archive.Servers stored procedure, which is run by the job ArchiveServersInsert.

The columns in Archive.Servers are the same as the columns in dbo.Servers, with the addition of the ExecutionDateTime column, which marks the date that the data was collected from dbo.Servers.


This table holds the node names of clustered instances. At this time, the dbo.ClusterNode must be updated manually.

IDIntPrimary key row identifier.
InstanceIDIntThe instance ID of the instance in question, as defined in the table dbo.Servers. Note: Any time you see InstanceID = 0 in Minion Enterprise, it represents a global default.
LocIDintThe location ID, as defined in the table dbo.Location.
ServerNamevarcharThe name of the SQL Server instance; or, if it is a cluster, the name of the SQL Server virtual instance. Note that Minion Enterprise can monitor Windows servers that do not have an instance of SQL Server installed. Examples: “Server1”, “Server3\NewInstance”.
DNSvarcharDNS address of the server.
IPcharIP address of the server.
WinClusterNameVarcharThe name of the Windows cluster.
WinClusterIPVarcharIP address of the Windows cluster.


The dbo.Servers table is the central axis point of the entire system. You must insert a bare minimum of information about servers that you wish to manage: ServerName, ServiceLevel, Port, IsSQL, and IsActive. 

Once this is done, Minion Enterprise automated processes will start according to their schedules, to fill in the rest of the dbo.Servers table and to begin collection, alerts, and reporting on the active instances.

The instance ID of the instance in question. This is the instance ID of record throughout Minion Enterprise tables and objects.

InstanceIDIntThe instance ID of the instance in question. This is the instance ID of record throughout Minion Enterprise tables and objects.Minion
LocIDintThe location ID, as defined in the table dbo.Location.Manual
ServerNamevarcharThe name of the SQL Server instance; or, if it is a cluster, the name of the SQL Server virtual instance; or, if SQL Server is not installed, the name of the computer.

Note that Minion Enterprise can monitor Windows servers that do not have an instance of SQL Server installed.

Example values: “Server1”, “Server3\NewInstance”.
Suffixnvarchar(100)Adds a string onto the end of the ServerName when connecting to the server for collections.  A good use-case for this is if you need to access a server using the FQDN.  Here you would put "".Manual
AlternateNamenvarchar(200)When populated, this is used to connect to the server for connection instead of the ServerName.  This would be used in a situation where you have a server named Server1, but you need to connect to it using an alternate DNS name like
DNSvarcharDNS address of the server.Minion
IPcharIP address of the server.Minion
PortintThe port to be used for the connection to the target SQL Server.Manual
DescrvarcharA description of the server, as provided by the user.Manual
RoleVarcharServer role.Manual
ServiceLevelvarcharA simple label for the level of the server’s importance, which determines the level of service that Minion Enterprise provides.

Valid values: Gold, Silver, Bronze.
IsSQLBitDenotes whether the server (the row) in question is an instance of SQL Server, or not.Manual
SQLVersionvarcharThe current version of SQL Server. Example: 2014.Minion
SQLEditionVarcharThe current edition of SQL Server. Example: Ent.Minion
SQLServicePackVarcharThe current SQL Server service pack. Examples: RTM, SP1.Minion
SQLBuildVarcharThe current SQL Server build. Example: 12.0.2000.Minion
IsClusterbitDenotes whether the server in question is a clustered instance, or not.Minion
IsNewbitDetermines whether the current row is a new (to Minion Enterprise) server, or not.
To be used in future editions of Minion Enterprise.
IsActivebitDetermines whether the current row is active, and should be used.Manual
IsActiveDatedateThe date that the server was first active. Like “Descr”, this column is for the DBA’s use; the system itself doesn’t fill in or use this column.Manual
InstanceMemInMBintNot in use. See Collector.ServersOSDetail.Minion
OSVersionvarcharThe operating system version. Example: “  2012 R2 Standard”.Minion
OSServicePackvarcharNot in use.Minion
OSBuildVarcharNot in use.Minion
OSArchitecturetinyintThe operating system architecture (32 bit or 64 bit).Minion
CPUSocketstinyintNumber of physical processors.Minion
CPUCorestinyintNumber of cores.Minion
CPULogicalTotalintNumber of logical CPUs.Minion
ServerMemInMBvarcharThe amount of physical memory, measured in MB.Minion
ManufacturerncharThe manufacturer of the virtual platform, if any. Examples: “Hyper-V”, “VMWare”Minion
VendorvarcharThis can be used to specify either on-prem, or a cloud provider like Azure or Amazon.  You can call them anything you like.Manual
ServerTypevarcharThis would be the type of offering from the Vendor.  For Azure it would be either Azure DB, Managed Instance, VM, etc.
You can call them anything you like.
ServerOrderintSpecifies an order the servers will be processed in.  This is essentially a group of servers to be processed before any others.  It is a weighted list so higher numbers get processed first.  For more info:
ServerGroupOrderintSpecifies an order within the ServerOrder group that the servers will be processed in. It is a weighted list so higher numbers get processed first.  For more info:
CollectionZonetinyintThe zone that the current server is being collected for.  For more info:
CommentVarcharFor your reference only. Label each row with a short description and/or purpose.Manual
UTCOffsetsmallintYou may have servers in different time zones.  For alerting purposes we need to know where they are so we use the UTC offset and do the math.Minion


Stored Procedures


The job “ArchiveServersInsert” runs this procedure, which performs data archival to remove outdated data from “Collector” tables. The retention period for each Collector table is configured in the Archive.Config table.



This procedure archives the dbo.Servers table to Archive.Servers, in case the dbo.Servers table is truncated or otherwise messed up.