Operating System (OS) Details Module

The OS Detail module collects information about each server’s memory, OS version, install date, and more. See dbo.Servers, and the view Collector.ServersOSDetailCurrent, for the latest OS Details data.



Holds collected information about each server’s memory, operating system (OS) version, install date, and more.
Column Type Description
ID bigint Primary key row identifier.
ExecutionDateTime datetime The execution date and time, common to the run of a collection for a single instance.
InstanceID int The instance ID of the instance in question, as defined in the table dbo.Servers. Note: Any time you see InstanceID = 0 in Minion Enterprise, it represents a global default.
FreePhysicalMemory bigint The amount of physical RAM available to Windows. Measured in KB.
FreeSpaceInPagingFiles bigint The amount that can be mapped into the operating system paging files without causing any other pages to be swapped out. Measured in KB.
FreeVirtualMemory bigint Virtual memory currently unused and available. Measured in KB.
InstallDate varchar The date that the operating system was installed.
LastBootUpTime varchar The date and time that the operating system was last restarted.
MaxNumberOfProcesses bigint The maximum number of process contexts the operating system can support.
MaxProcessMemorySize bigint The maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to a process. Measured in KB.
Name varchar The name of the backup set. 

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186865.aspx

NumberOfLicensedUsers bigint The number of operating system user licenses.
NumberOfProcesses bigint The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the OS.
NumberOfUsers bigint The number of user session state information which the OS is storing currently.
OSArchitecture varchar The OS architecture (32 bit or 64 bit).
OSLanguage int The language version of the OS. Example: English.
PAEEnabled bit Whether physical address extensions (PAE) are enabled. For more information on PAE, see the MSDN article https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/Dn613975(v=vs.85).aspx  
SerialNumber varchar The OS serial number.
ServicePackMajorVersion int The major version number of the service pack installed. If there is no service pack installed, ServicePackMajorVersion = 0.
ServicePackMinorVersion int The minor version number of the service pack installed. If there is no service pack installed, ServicePackMinorVersion = 0.
SizeStoredInPagingFiles bigint The total amount of data that can be stored in the operating system paging files. Measured in KB. A value of 0 means that there are no paging files.
Status varchar Operational status of the OS. Examples: OK, Error, Starting, Stopping, etc.
SystemDirectory varchar The OS system directory.
SystemDrive varchar The letter of the drive on which the OS is installed.
TotalSwapSpaceSize bigint Total swap space. Measured in KB. NULL means that the swap space is not distinguished from page files.
TotalVirtualMemorySize bigint The total amount of virtual memory. Measured in KB.
TotalVisibleMemorySize bigint The total amount of physical memory available to the OS. Measured in KB.
Version varchar OS version number.
WindowsDirectory varchar The Windows directory (e.g. “C:\Windows”) of the OS.
PowerPlan varchar The friendly name of the power plan. Examples: High Performance, Balanced.


The OS Detail module updates dbo.Servers columns related to CPUs, IP and DNS, and version/edition.

For information on the dbo.Servers table, see “Objects Shared Across Modules”.



Provides the most recent collection of operating system data.

Each “Current” view associated with a Collector table contains all (or nearly all) of the columns from the base table, plus a “ViewDesc” description column, and columns from dbo.Servers data:

  • ServerName
  • ServiceLevel
  • Version
  • Edition
  • Descr


Provides the next-to-latest collection of operating system data.

Each “Previous” view associated with a Collector table contains all (or nearly all) of the columns from the base table, plus a “ViewDesc” description column, and columns from dbo.Servers data:

  • ServerName
  • ServiceLevel
  • Version
  • Edition
  • Descr

Stored Procedures


OSDetailsGet.exe calls this procedure to perform the insert into the Collector.ServersOSDetail table.

Important: This procedure is meant to be used by automated collectors; we recommend against using it manually. Therefore, the parameter set is only documented internally.


CPUInfoGet.exe calls this procedure to perform the CPU data insert.

Important: This procedure is meant to be used by automated collectors; we recommend against using it manually. Therefore, the parameter set is only documented internally.


IPAddressGet.exe calls this procedure to perform the IP data insert into the dbo.Servers table.

Important: This procedure is meant to be used by automated collectors; we recommend against using it manually. Therefore, the parameter set is only documented internally.


SQLVersionGET.exe calls this procedure to perform the SQL version insert into the dbo.Servers table.

Important: This procedure is meant to be used by automated collectors; we recommend against using it manually. Therefore, the parameter set is only documented internally.



Calls the executable OSDetailsGET.exe for all servers with ServiceLevel = ‘Gold’, to retrieve operating system information.


Calls the executable OSDetailsGET.exe for all servers with ServiceLevel = ‘Silver’, to retrieve operating system information.


Calls the executables CPUInfoGet.exe, SQLVersionGET.exe, and IPAddressGet.exe for all servers with ServiceLevel = ‘Silver’, to retrieve CPU, SQL Server version, and IP address information.


Calls the executables CPUInfoGet.exe, SQLVersionGET.exe, and IPAddressGet.exe for all servers with ServiceLevel = ‘Silver’, to retrieve CPU, SQL Server version, and IP address information.


Calls the executables CPUInfoGet.exe, SQLVersionGET.exe, and IPAddressGet.exe for all servers with ServiceLevel = ‘Bronze’, to retrieve CPU, SQL Server version, and IP address information.



Collects operating system data for the instances in the specified service level, and logs the results to Collector.ServersOSDetail via the procedure Collector.ServersOSDetailInsert.
Input parameters:
  • $Query – This parameter refers to the service level that the collector should operate on. Examples: Gold, Silver, Bronze. For more information on this topic, see the article “Executables and Service Levels”.
Example execution:
C:\MinionByMidnightDBA\Collector\OSDetailsGET.exe Gold


Collects CPU data for the instances in the specified service level, and updates the dbo.Servers table with the results (via the procedure Collector.spCPUInfoInsert).
Input parameters:
  • $Query – This parameter refers to the service level that the collector should operate on. Examples: Gold, Silver, Bronze. For more information on this topic, see the article “Executables and Service Levels”.
Example execution:
C:\MinionByMidnightDBA\Collector\CPUInfoGet.exe Gold


Collects version data for the instances in the specified service level, and updates the dbo.Servers table with the results (via the procedure Collector.spSQLVersionInsert).
Input parameters:
  • $Query – This parameter refers to the service level that the collector should operate on. Examples: Gold, Silver, Bronze. For more information on this topic, see the article “Executables and Service Levels”.
Example execution:
C:\MinionByMidnightDBA\Collector\SQLVersionGET.exe Gold


Collects version data for the instances in the specified service level, and updates the dbo.Servers table with the results (via the procedure Collector.spIPAddrInsert).
Input parameters:

  • $Query – This parameter refers to the service level that the collector should operate on. Examples: Gold, Silver, Bronze. For more information on this topic, see the article “Executables and Service Levels”.
Example execution:
C:\MinionByMidnightDBA\Collector\IPAddressGet.exe Gold