Contains records of integrity check operations. It contains one time-stamped row for each run of Minion.CheckDBMaster, which may encompass several database integrity check operations. This table stores status information for the overall operation. This information can help with troubleshooting, or just information gathering when you want to see what has happened between one backup run to the next.
Name Type Description
ID Bigint

Primary key row identifier.

ExecutionDateTime datetime

Date and time of the operation.

Status varchar

Current status of the operation. If Live Insight is being used the status updates will appear here. When finished, this column will typically either read ‘Complete’ or ‘Complete with warnings’.


If, for example, the process was halted midway through the operation, the Status would reflect the step in progress at the time the operation stopped.

DBType varchar

Database type.


Valid values:



OpName varchar

The name of the operation (usually, as passed into Minion.CheckDBMaster).


Valid values:




NumConcurrentProcesses tinyint

The number of concurrent processes used.


This is the number of databases that will be processed simultaneously (CheckDB or CheckTable).

DBInternalThreads tinyint

If CheckTable, this is the number of tables that will be processed in parallel.

NumDBsOnServer int

Number of databases on server.

NumDBsProcessed int

Number of databases processed in this operation.

RotationLimiter varchar

The method that was used to limit the rotation (DBCount, TableCount, or Time).

RotationLimiterMetric varchar

The metric by which the RotationLimiter was defined (count, or minutes).

RotationMetricValue int

The number associated with the RotationLimiter, e.g., 10 for 10 databases, or 120 for 120 Mins.

TimeLimitInMins int

The time limit imposed on this opertion, in minutes.

ExecutionEndDateTime datetime

Date and time the entire operation completed.

ExecutionRunTimeInSecs float

The duration, in seconds, of the entire operation.

BatchPreCodeStartDateTime datetime

Start date of the batch precode.

BatchPostCodeStartDateTime datetime

Start date of the batch postcode.

BatchPreCode varchar

Precode set to run before the entire operation. This code is set in the Minion.CheckDBSettingsServer table.

BatchPostCode varchar

Precode set to run after the entire operation. This code is set in the Minion.CheckDBSettingsServer table.

Schemas varchar

The schema or schemas that were passed in to the operation.


Schemas = NULL means the maintenance was not limited by schema.


See the @Schema entry for Minion.CheckDBMaster for more information.

Tables varchar

The table or tables that were passed into the operation.


Tables = NULL means the maintenance was not limited by table.


See the @Table entry for Minion.CheckDBMaster for more information.

IncludeDBs varchar

A comma-delimited list of database names, and/or wildcard strings, included in the operation.

ExcludeDBs varchar

A comma-delimited list of database names, and/or wildcard strings, excluded from the operation.

RegexDBsIncluded varchar

A list of databases included in the backup operation via the Minion CheckDB regular expressions feature.

RegexDBsExcluded varchar

A list of databases excluded from the backup operation via the Minion CheckDB regular expressions feature.