Default settings for the whole system are stored in the Minion.BackupSettings table.  To specify settings for a specific database that override those defaults (for that database), insert a row for that database to the Minion.BackupSettings table.  For example, we want to fine tune settings for DB1, so we use the following statement:

INSERT  INTO Minion.BackupSettings
                                ( [DBName] ,
                                  [Port] ,
                                  [BackupType] ,
                                  [Exclude] ,
                                  [GroupOrder] ,
                                  [GroupDBOrder] ,
                                  [Mirror] ,
                                  [DelFileBefore] ,
                                  [DelFileBeforeAgree] ,
                                  [LogLoc] ,
                                  [HistRetDays] ,
                                  [DynamicTuning] ,
                                  [Verify] ,
                                  [ShrinkLogOnLogBackup] ,
                                  [MinSizeForDiffInGB] ,
                                  [DiffReplaceAction] ,
                                  [Encrypt] ,
                                  [Checksum] ,
                                  [Init] ,
                                  [Format] ,
                                  [IsActive] ,
SELECT  'DB1' AS [DBName] ,
                1433 AS [Port] ,
                'All' AS [BackupType] ,
                0 AS [Exclude] ,
                50 AS [GroupOrder] ,
                0 AS [GroupDBOrder] ,
                0 AS [Mirror] ,
                0 AS [DelFileBefore] ,
                0 AS [DelFileBeforeAgree] ,
                'Local' AS [LogLoc] ,
                90 AS [HistRetDays] ,
                1 AS [DynamicTuning] ,
                '0' AS [Verify] ,
                1 AS [ShrinkLogOnLogBackup] ,
                20 AS [MinSizeForDiffInGB] ,
                'Log' AS [DiffReplaceAction] ,
                0 AS [Encrypt] ,
                1 AS [Checksum] ,
                1 AS [Init] ,
                1 AS [Format] ,
                1 AS [IsActive] ,
                'DB1 is high priority; better backup order and history retention.' AS [Comment];
Minion Backup comes with a utility stored procedure, named Minion.CloneSettings, for easily creating insert statements like the example above. For more information, see the “Minion.CloneSettings” section below.

  • If you enter a row for a database and/or backup type, that row completely overrides the settings for that particular database (and/or backup type). For example, the row inserted above will be the source of all settings – even if they are NULL – for all DB1 database backups. For more information, see the “Configuration Settings Hierarchy” section above.
  • Follow the Configuration Settings Hierarchy Rule: If you provide a database-specific row, be sure that all backup types are represented in the table for that database. For example, if you insert a row for DBName=’DB1’, BackupType=’Full’, then also insert a row for DBName=’DB1’, BackupType=’All’ (or individual rows for DB1 log and DB1 differential backups). Once you configure the settings context at the database level, the context stays at the database level (and not the default ‘MinionDefault’ level).
  • A quick note about log backups: In SQL Server, a database must have had a full backup before a log backup can be taken. Minion Backup prevents this; if you try to take a log backup, and the database doesn't have a restore base, then the system will remove the log backup from the list. MB will not attempt to take a log backup until there's a full backup in place.  Though it may seem logical to perform a full backup instead of a full, we do not do this, because log backups can be taken very frequently; we don't want to make what is usually a quick operation into a very long operation.