Contains records of individual integrity check operations. It contains one time-stamped row for each individual DBCC CheckDB or DBCC CheckTable operation. This table stores the parameters and settings that were used during the operation, as well as status information. This information can help with troubleshooting, or just information gathering when you want to see what has happened between one backup run to the next.
Name Type Description
ID bigint

Primary key row identifier.

ExecutionDateTime datetime

Date and time of the operation.

Status varchar

Current status of the operation. If Live Insight is being used the status updates will appear here. For a full description of status messages, see the discussion below.

PctComplete tinyint

Operation percent complete (e.g., 50% complete).

DBName varchar

Database name.

CheckDBName varchar

The database name; or, the name of the database in the case of a remote CheckDB or custom snapshot.

ServerLabel varchar

A user-customized label for the server name. It can be the name of the server, server\instance, or a label for a server.

NETBIOSName varchar

The name of the server on which the database resides.


If the instance is on a cluster, this will be the name of the cluster node SQL Server was running on. If it’s part of an Availability Group, the NETBIOSName will be the physical name of the Availability Group replica.

IsRemote bit

Whether this is a remote CheckDB operation, or not.

PreferredServer varchar

For remote CheckDB runs, the name of the remote server.

PreferredDBName varchar

For remote CheckDB runs, the raw database name from the Minion.CheckDBSettingsDB table (including Inline Tokens, if any). You can use this to compare to the CheckDBName field, to see what the expression (if any) evaluated to.

RemoteCheckDBMode varchar

The mode of the remote CheckDB operation, if any.


Valid values:




RemoteRestoreMode varchar

The mode of the remote restore, if any.


Valid values include:




IsClustered bit

Whether or not the server is clustered.

IsInAG bit

Whether or not the server is in an Availability Group.

IsPrimaryReplica bit

Whether or not the server is the primary replica.

DBType varchar

Database type.


Valid values:



OpName varchar

The name of the operation (usually, as passed into Minion.CheckDBMaster).


Valid values:




SchemaName varchar

Schema name.

TableName varchar

Table name.

IndexName varchar

This field is not yet in use.

IndexID bigint

This field is not yet in use.

IndexType varchar

This field is not yet in use.

GroupOrder int

The operation order within a group. Used solely for determining the order in which databases should be processed.


By default, all databases have a value of 0, which means they’ll be processed in the order they’re queried from sysobjects.


Higher numbers have a greater “weight” (they have a higher priority), and will be backed up earlier than lower numbers. We recommend leaving some space between assigned back up order numbers (e.g., 10, 20, 30) so there is room to move or insert rows in the ordering.


For more information, see “How To: Process databases in a specific order”.

GroupDBOrder int

Group to which this database belongs. Used solely for determining the order in which databases should be processed.


By default, all databases have a value of 0, which means they’ll be processed in the order they’re queried from sysobjects.


Higher numbers have a greater “weight” (they have a higher priority), and will be backed up earlier than lower numbers. The range of GroupDBOrder weight numbers is 0-255.


For more information, see “How To: Process databases in a specific order”.

SizeInMB float

Database size, in MB.

TimeLimitInMins int

The time limit imposed on this opertion, in minutes.

EstimatedTimeInSecs int

The estimated time to complete the operation.

EstimatedKBperMS float

The estimated speed of the operation, as measured in KB per millisecond.

LastOpTimeInSecs int

The time taken to complete the previous operation for this database.

IncludeRemoteInTimeLimit int

Whether or not the remote operation (if any) is included in the time limit (if any).

OpBeginTime datetime

Date and time of the operation start.

OpEndTime datetime

Date and time of the operation end.

OpRunTimeInSecs float

Operation duration, measured in seconds.

CustomSnapshot bit

Whether a custom snapshot used.

MaxSnapshotSizeInMB float

The total size of all snapshot files. This total comes from Minion.CheckDBSnapshotLog.

CheckDBCmd varchar

The command statement used.

AllocationErrors int

Number of allocation errors found.

ConsistencyErrors int

Number of consistency errors found.

NoIndex Bit

Whether NOINDEX was enabled.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

RepairOption Varchar

The repair option used.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

RepairOptionAgree bit

The RepairOptionAgree value used in the operation. (See the Minion.CheckDBSettingsDB and Minion.CheckDBSettingsTable entries.)

WithRollback varchar

The WithRollback value used in the operation. (See the Minion.CheckDBSettingsDB entry.)


This field is not yet in use.

AllErrorMsgs bit

The value used for the DBCC option ALL_ERRORMESSAGES.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

ExtendedLogicalChecks Bit

The value used for the DBCC option EXTENDED_LOGICAL_CHECKS.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

NoInfoMsgs bit

The value used for the DBCC option NO_INFOMSGS.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

IsTabLock Bit

The value used for the DBCC option TABLOCK.


For more information, see the DBCC CheckDB article on MSDN:

IntegrityCheckLevel Varchar

Integrity check level (ESTIMATEONLY, PHYSICAL_ONLY).

DisableDOP bit

Whether parallelism (multithreading) was enabled or disabled.


IMPORTANT: DisableDOP = 1 disables multithreading – i.e., processing multiple databases at the same time – in Minion CheckDB!


For more information, see “About: Multithreading operations”.

LockDBMode varchar

This field is not yet in use.

ResultMode varchar

How much detail of the integrity check results to keep in the Minion.CheckDBResult table. The operation can save either the full results, just the summary results, or no results.


Valid values:




HistRetDays Int

Number of days to retain a history of operations (in Minion CheckDB log tables).


Minion CheckDB does not modify or delete information in system tables.

PushToMinion varchar

Determines whether log data is only stored on the local (client) server, or on both the local server and the remote server.


Valid values will include:



MinionTriggerPath varchar

UNC path where the Minion logging trigger file is located.


Not applicable for a standalone Minion CheckDB instance.

AutoRepair varchar

This field is not yet in use.

AutoRepairTime varchar

This field is not yet in use.

LastCheckDateTime datetime

The last time a CheckDB operation was run (as determined by either database properties or Minion.CheckDBLogDetails).

LastCheckResult varchar

The status of the last CheckDB operation.

DBPreCodeStartDateTime datetime

The date and time that the database precode began.

DBPreCodeEndDateTime datetime

The date and time that the database precode ended.

DBPreCodeTimeInSecs int

The duration of the database precode run.

DBPreCode varchar

Code that ran before the operation completed for that database.

DBPostCodeStartDateTime datetime

The date and time that the database postcode began.

DBPostCodeEndDateTime datetime

The date and time that the database postcode ended.

DBPostCodeTimeInSecs int

The duration of the database postcode run.

DBPostCode varchar

Code that ran after the operation completed for that database.

TablePreCodeStartDateTime datetime

The date and time that the table precode began.

TablePreCodeEndDateTime datetime

The date and time that the table precode ended.

TablePreCodeTimeInSecs int

The duration of the table precode run.

TablePreCode varchar

Code that ran before the operation completed for that table.

TablePostCodeStartDateTime datetime

The date and time that the table postcode began.

TablePostCodeEndDateTime datetime

The date and time that the table postcode ended.

TablePostCodeTimeInSecs int

The duration of the table postcode run.

TablePostCode varchar

Code that ran after the operation completed for that table.

StmtPrefix nvarchar

The code, if any, prefixed to the integrity check statement with a statement of your own.

StmtSuffix nvarchar

The code, if any, suffixed to the integrity check statement with a statement of your own.

ProcessingThread tinyint

In a multithreaded run, the number of the thread assigned to this operation.


Used to query with GROUP BY to see the distribution of threads. (E.g., did one thread handle most of the work, or was there a reasonably good distribution of work?)


For more information, see “About: Multithreading operations”.

Warnings varchar

Warnings encountered for the operation.

Discussion – Status messages

The Status column of Minion.CheckDBLogDetails can be any of the following:
  • Complete - operation completed without errors.
  • Complete with errors - operation completed, but it reported errors. Check the Consistency and AllocationErrors columns, and the Minion.CheckDBResults, table for full details.
  • Complete with Warnings - operation completed, but there was an error with the process somewhere along the way. This is usually seen on remote CheckDB operations when the process has a problem getting the results back to the primary server. There are other circumstances that can complete with warning. There could be problems deleting the snapshot, or something else. The point is that the integrity check finished, but something else failed and it's impossible to say what the state of the error reporting will be.
  • Complete with Errors and Warnings - a combination of the above two.
  • Complete with No Status - This means the integrity check operation completed, but we specifically couldn't parse the error results. Again, this usually happens on remote runs when we can't figure out how many allocation or consistency errors there are, but it could happen on a local run if Microsoft sneaks in a new column into the result table. To get a “Complete” status, we rely on being able to parse the output; so when you get this message, it usually means that you don't have that return data from CheckDB/CheckTable/etc.