You don’t actually need Minion Backup on the target server, in order to use MB’s restore functionality. Let’s walk through this.

Let’s say you want to restore from a server named Prod1 (which has MB on it) to a server named QA5. To set this up with Minion Backup:
  1. On Prod1, add a row to Minion.BackupRestoreSettingsPath with ServerName=’QA5’ and DBName = ‘MinionDefault’ (to make it applicable to all databases), and configure other settings as appropriate.
  2. On Prod1, configure restore tuning settings in Minion.BackupRestoreTuningThresholds.
  3. Now you can run the procedure ‘Minion.BackupRestoreDB’ to generate the restore statements. Run once for each backup type (e.g., once for Full and once for Log). The SP will automatically generate the statement for the latest backup(s) for that database.
  4. Run the statements on QA5. 
If you like, you can automate this with PowerShell – use POSH to connect to Prod1, run the SP, and use the output for restores.

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