There are a few possibilities:
  • Check the log of the latest backups for your database in Minion.BackupLogDetails. Compare the logged backup tuning values that were used (NumberOfFiles, Buffercount, MaxTransferSize, and Compression) against the settings you expect to be used from Minion.BackupTuningThresholds.
  • Check if you have disabled dynamic tuning for that database, or for all databases. Check the DynamicTuning column in Minion.BackupSettings.
  • Perhaps you have not set a threshold that includes your database at its present size. Check Minion.BackupTuningThresholds to determine that:
    • rows are defined for your database (DBName, BackupType)
    • the rows for your data the appropriate rows are active (IsActive=1),
    • your database is larger than the threshold you’re expecting it to use (SpaceType, ThresholdMeasure, ThresholdValue). One common mistake is to omit a “floor” value of zero for a particular database; this causes that database to use the MinionDefault values in Minion.BackupTuningThresholds, instead.