To add a service level to Minion Enterprise:
1. Create files
Create “Platinum” level files in C:\MinionByMidnightDBA\Collector\SQLQueries\ with the proper query inside each one. The following is a list of files to create, but only the first has the example query; reference the associated GOLD files for a model of each query:- ServerListWithIDPLATINUM.txt
SELECT S.InstanceID, RTRIM(LTRIM(S.ServerName)) AS ServerName, ISNULL(SM.MgmtDB, 'master') as MgmtDB, S.SQLBuild, S.Port, S.IsCluster from dbo.Servers S (nolock) LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ServerMgmtDB SM with(NOLOCK) ON S.InstanceID = SM.InstanceID where S.ServiceLevel = 'Platinum' and S.IsSQL = 1 AND S.IsActive = 1;
- DataPropertiesPLATINUM.txt
- DBPropertiesPLATINUM.txt
- DBScriptPLATINUM.txt
- DriveSpacePLATINUM.txt
- ErrorLogPLATINUM.txt
- IndexStatsPLATINUM.txt
- InstanceConfigPLATINUM.txt
- LogFilePercentFullPLATINUM.txt
- LogPropertiesPLATINUM.txt
- OSDetailPLATINUM.txt
- ServicePropertiesPLATINUM.txt
- SysColumnsPLATINUM.txt
- SysObjectsPLATINUM.txt
- TablePropertiesPLATINUM.txt
- WaitStatsPLATINUM.txt
2. Edit the Powershell script
In QueryParams.ps1, add $Platinum = "$CommonScriptPath\Collector\SQLQueries\ServerListWithIDPLATINUM.txt"In QueryParams.ps1, add if ($Query -eq "Platinum") {$ServerList = $Platinum}
3. Add jobs
Add “Platinum” level jobs as appropriate. The following is a list of jobs to create, but only the first has the example step definition; reference the associated GOLD jobs for a model of each step definition:- AlertBackupsMissingDiff-PLATINUM
Alert.Backups @SearchType = 'SLA', @SearchValue = 'PLATINUM', @BackupType = 'Diff', @IncludeDefer = 1, @IncludeException = 1, @IncludeChange = 1, @EmailProfile = 'BackupsProfile';
- AlertBackupsMissingFull-PLATINUM
- AlertBackupsMissingLog-PLATINUM
- AlertDBsNewRetired-PLATINUM
- AlertDriveFreeSpace-PLATINUM
- AlertInstanceConfig-PLATINUM
- AlertServiceStatus-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBFileDataPropertiesGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBFileLogPropertiesGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBListGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBPropertiesGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBScript-PLATINUM
- CollectorDBUsersGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorDriveSpace-PLATINUM
- CollectorErrorLog-PLATINUM
- CollectorIndexStats-PLATINUM
- CollectorInstanceConfigGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorLoginsGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorOSDetailsGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorServerInfoGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorServicePropertiesGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorServiceStatusGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorSysObjectsGet-PLATINUM
- CollectorTableColumns-PLATINUM
- CollectorTableProperties-PLATINUM
- CollectorWaitStatsGet-PLATINUM