The whole point of CheckDB and CheckTable operations is to determine whether there is any corruption. So of course, Minion CheckDB records the results of these operations, in the tables Minion.CheckDBResult and Minion.CheckDBCheckTableResult.

An easier way to determine if there were any errors, though, is to check the Status column in Minion.CheckDBLogDetails:

  • Complete - operation completed without errors. 
  • Complete (N <opname> Errors found) - the integrity check operation completed with errors.  Check the Consistency and AllocationErrors columns, and the Minion.CheckDBResult, table for full details.
  • Complete with Warnings - operation completed, but there was an error with the process somewhere along the way. This is usually seen on remote CheckDB operations when the process has a problem getting the results back to the primary server. There are other circumstances that can complete with warning. There could be problems deleting the snapshot, or something else. The point is that the integrity check finished, but something else failed and it's impossible to say what the state of the error reporting will be. 
  • Complete with Errors and Warnings - a combination of the above two. 
  • Complete with No Status - This means the integrity check operation completed, but we specifically couldn't parse the error results. Again, this usually happens on remote runs when we can't figure out how many allocation or consistency errors there are, but it could happen on a local run if Microsoft sneaks in a new column into the result table. ?To get a “Complete” status, we rely on being able to parse the output; so when you get this message, it usually means that you don't have that return data from CheckDB/CheckTable/etc. 
  • Fatal error: <error message> - There was an error in the Minion CheckDB process itself, or CheckDB/CheckTable itself was unable to run on a database.