Version 2.7 - TBD
- MMVersionGET.exe didn't get the right servername when an AternateName was used.
- CPUInfoGet.exe: Fixed issue with UTCOffset collection not honoring bias after daylight savings.
- DBProperties didn't collect AG info properly in some situations. It skipped DBs when AG is in non-read mode.
- ErrorLog Search wasn't collecting data at all sometimes.
- Issue that was keeping WeakPasswords from reporting correctly sometimes.
- Collector.DriveSpace views didn't have the BlockSize col. BlockSizeKB has been added.
- Added MS Vulnerability Assessment to HealthCheck.
- Added the following tables to the SQLLogins collection to support the new MS Vulnerability Assessment in HC.
- sys.xml_schema_collections to Collector.SysXmlSchemaCollections
- sys.service_message_types to Collector.SysServiceMessageTypes
- sys.service_contracts to Collector.SysServiceContracts
- sys.remote_service_bindings to Collector.SysRemoteServiceBindings
- sys.routes to Collector.SysRoutes
- to Collector.SysServices
- sys.fulltext_catalogs to Collector.SysFulltextCatalogs
- sys.server_audits to Collector.SysServerAudits
- sys.server_audit_specifications to Collector.SysServerAuditSpecifications
- sys.server_audit_specification_details toCollector.SysServerAuditSpecificationDetails
- Added the following tables to the SQLUsers collection to support the new MS Vulnerability Assessment in HC.
- sys.crypt_properties to Collector.SysCryptProperties
- sys.assemblies to Collector.SysAssemblies
- sys.dm_database_encryption_keys to Collector.DMDatabaseEncryptionKeys
- sys.database_audit_specifications to Collector.SysDatabaseAuditSpecifications
- sys.database_audit_specification_details to Collector.SysDatabaseAuditSpecificationDetails
- Added SuspectPages collection --
- Added Contact to Backup alert. This is for teams with many DBAs who can't always keep track of who is in charge of each server. The contact is specified in the dbo.Application table.
- Added Create date to DBsNewRetired alert.
- dbo.DatabaseList table now has IsSnapshot and DatabaseSnapshotBaseName to support the new @IncludeSnapshot alert parameter.
- Added Is_Advanced col to Collector InstanceConfig views.
Possible Breaking Changes
- Renamed Collector.DBProperties.max_sizeByte to max_sizeKB to match the data. Change also applies to the Current and Previous views.
Version 2.6 - 8/15/2021
- Many bug fixes.
- Added sys.availability_databases_cluster to AG collection.
- New Pending Reboots collection.
- New Suspect Pages collection.
- New Collector.ServersDetail table.
- Scheduled code deployments (BETA).
- Changed the way the ADSQLAccts works to greatly increase performance for end users.
- Expanded SQLVersionGet collection to populate Collector.ServersDetail.
- Breaking changes to dbo.Servers. Cols have been added and removed to better support cloud servers and DBs.
Version 2.4.1 - 4/26/2018
- DriveSpace collection not respecting new query params for entire system.
- Collector.DBFileProperties.FileName contained the logical file name instead of the filename itself. Now it has the filename. This is why LogicalName had to be added.
- DriveSpace alert not processing server-level overrides properly.
- Issues with CheckDB alert sp not reporting correctly under some circumstances.
- CheckDB alert didn’t have all parameters for Setup.CheckDBReportException helper text.
- Job scripter collector didn’t set file path correctly.
- ConnParameters.exe ignoring Windows-only servers for WMI collections.
- MB history collectors still used invoke-sqlcmd.
- MC history collectors still used invoke-sqlcmd.
- New column added to Collector.DBFileProperties. LogicalName is a new column.
- New columns added to Collector.InstanceProperties. You can now see a number of new columns added to the end of the table. These columns provide certificate information that tells you about the certificate that the instance is configured to encrypt connections with. Use this to see which instances are encrypting connections, and when the certificates expire. Also, there’s a new column telling you when the service was last started. This will let you see uptime stats on your SQL boxes.
- Backups can be alerted or not based on whether they’re read-only. In the dbo.BackupReport table you can now use a DBName of "Minion Case: ReadOnly" to apply settings to read-only DBs.
- 4 new columns added to Collector.DBFilePropertiesCurrent and Previous views. They now have FileExtension, LogicalName, FileNameOnly and FilePath.
- New column, Status, added to Archive.ConfigLog.
- Linked servers added to JobScript.exe.
- A whole slew of new indexes added to support queries against various tables.
Version 2.4 - 12/13/2017
- Backup alert wasn’t filtering out recovery models correctly.
- JobScript collector used wrong path for creating files.
- MCImportAllLogs didn't import MC1.1 tables.
- Improved performance for most collections.
- Improved performance for license.exe.
- Added sys.assemblies collection to DBUsers collector.
- Added new collection for IsHidden, ForceEncryption, and connection certificate info to Collector.InstanceProperties. New metrics are in the InstanceProperties collection.
- Added new includes to help better organize configurable data and improve upgrades. Go here for specifics on include files.
- Upgrade process now copies the current Collector and Includes folders before replacing them in case something breaks, you can get it back easily.Night Mode on alerts can now be turned off and off completely via the 'Use Night Mode' setting in dbo.ServerVariables.
- Backup alerts can now handle read-only DBs specifically by using DBName = ‘Minion Case: ReadOnly’. This works at the global level and the server level, but not at the individual DB level. This makes sense if you think about it because an individual DB override would need to have the name of the DB. In this scenario though, you can have a separate alert policy for RO DBs, so if a DB suddenly becomes RO, then it picks up the new policy and there’s nothing left to do.
- DBFileProperties collector has been back-ported to SQL2005.
- SQLLogins collector has been back-ported to SQL2005.