Minion allows you to do much more with almost no effort.  You can change sp_configure values on all of your servers, or a subset, at the same time.  This allows you to fully standardize your environment to your needs.

There are a couple things to know about how the process works.

1. When you perform this operation, either in the GUI or the backend, it returns control back to the client very quickly.  This is because it's not actually making the change on the servers at that moment.  When you perform this action, it inserts actions into a table in the Minion database and then the scheduled push job pushes those statements out to all the servers.  This allows you to make any changes you need should you discover you made a mistake, and it allows you to save the changes for a later time by manipulating the push schedule.

2. The system will do anything you tell it so if you tell it to change a setting that doesn't exist on a server, it'll try to do it.  For example, if you want to change change a specific setting for all Gold servers, and most of them are SQL Server 2017, but a couple of them are SQL Server 2008, and therefore don't have the setting you're trying to change, it'll try to push the change anyway.