This table is a merger of the sys.dm_resource_governor_configuration and sys.resource_governor_configuration tables.
In SQL Server, these tables hold more or less the same info at different stages.
sys.dm_resource_governor_configuration - Shows the active RG configuration.
sys.resource_governor_configuration - Shows the pending RG configuration.
So these 2 tables act much in the same way as config_value and run_value in sp_configure.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
ID | BIGINT | Identity col. |
ExecutionDateTime | DATETIME | When the data was collected from each server. |
InstanceID | BIGINT | ID of the server as defined in dbo.Servers. |
classifier_function_id_Active | INT | ObjectID of the classifier function. |
Schema_Active | NVARCHAR(400) | Schema name of the classifier function. |
FunctionName_Active | NVARCHAR(400) | Classifier function name. |
max_outstanding_io_per_volume_Active | INT | The maximum number of outstanding I/O per volume. |
classifier_function_id_Pending | INT | ObjectID of the classifier function. |
Schema_Pending | NVARCHAR(400) | Schema name of the classifier function. |
FunctionName_Pending | NVARCHAR(400) | Classifier function name. |
max_outstanding_io_per_volume_Pending | INT | The maximum number of outstanding I/O per volume. |
is_reconfiguration_pending | BIT | Shows whether there is an unsaved config pending. To activate the config read the MS doc on the topic. |
You'll see that there are what appears to be duplicate columns. However, all of the columns that come from the DMVs are suffixed with either 'Active' or 'Pending'. The 'Active' columns come from sys.dm_resource_governor_configuration. And the 'Pending' columns come from sys.resource_governor_configuration.
There are 2 helper columns we've added for you. The DMVs only have the function_id column, but we've provided the SchemaName and FunctionName for you to make it easier to know what's going on.